
Garden Earth

– Posted in: Garden Musings, Miscellaneous

The facts are pretty clear: the planet Earth is heating up, we are facing extinctions not seen in Epochs, and human population continues to explode, consuming resources beyond Nature’s capacity to replenish. What are you going to do about it? Our future seems grim and it’s tempting to ignore the facts and hope it will all go [...]

A Post-Wild Garden Revolution

– Posted in: Garden Musings, Sustainable Gardening

“As our climate changes, so must our gardens”.  So begins the description of the upcoming garden symposium in Santa Rosa, California, Changing Times, Changing Climate: Summit 2016 sponsored by Pacific Horticulture. Whether in California or anywhere in the world that we garden, this message must be heard. Whether or not we agree on the causes, or the timetable, [...]

Are Plants Art ?

– Posted in: Garden Musings, Garden Photography

“Plants are not art”. So began a provocative Facebook post by Benjamin Vogt. I did not have time to jump into the social media conversation that his post sparked, knowing I would say something too quickly, too passionately, or misunderstood. Benjamin is a friend of mine and a friend of Gardening Gone Wild .  His [...]