
Companion Plants for Succulents

– Posted in: Garden Design, Succulents

  At this month’s Succulent Extravaganza, Sept. 28 and 29 at Succulent Gardens near San Francisco, I’ll be speaking about companion plants for succulents that vary from ground covers to trees. Many grow in my own garden near San Diego. Two examples are above: orange California poppies (an annual) and blue fescue, a perennial that [...]

Proteas Please and Tease Me

– Posted in: Garden Adventures

The Proteaceae family was named after the mythical god Proteus, son of Poseidon, because the flowers have so many forms. Proteus could foretell the future, but changed his shape so he didn’t have to. Doesn’t the king protea above look like a snow cone? And this banksia, a corn cob? The petals feel like coated [...]