
Dry Summer

– Posted in: Garden Photography

We expect summers to be dry here in California. It’s a summer-dry or Mediterranean climate of wet winters and rainless summers. Gardeners learn to adapt and use plants that are native to summer-dry climates. But this year is particularly hard on gardeners because it is particularly dry. We have not had rainy winters recently, and [...]

Photographing Grasses

– Posted in: Garden Photography, Garden Photography

More than any other group of plants, I love to photograph grasses.  They bring light, motion, and texture to gardens.  They range widely in size and color, and mix well into all garden styles, from beds and borders to meadows and in containers.  Because they are so versatile in blending into gardens they can be [...]

Back-Light and Grasses

– Posted in: Garden Photography, Garden Visits

I have been in love with grasses for a long time.  I can pinpoint the day, more than 25 years ago, with a botanist at Ring Mountain Nature Conservancy Preserve, where I wondered why these grasses she was so keen on having me document where not garden plants.  I have learned a lot, a whole [...]