
Frosted Camellias

– Posted in: Garden Musings, Garden Photography

Even in California, frost causes problems.  And when it comes in early December it causes big problems. Almost every gardener I know here in the Northern part of the state pushes the limits of their garden.  It’s California ! – it is our birthright to grow tropicals and tender succulents, plants that are barely hardy [...]

Frosty Yuletide

– Posted in: Garden Photography

This will be my shortest Gardening Gone Wild post yet.  Not because I have nothing to say, nor because my words are so poetically haiku.  Not because it is the holiday and few are reading gardening blogs, nor because I am trying to stay away from religious sentiment. I am on a cruise ship in [...]

Finding Frost

– Posted in: Edible Organic Gardens, Garden Photography
lynmar garden waking on a cold morning

When we go out into the garden to take pictures, we don’t always find what we expect.  So don’t get locked into seeing what you want to see.  See what is. When my friend Kate Frey suggested I might want to photograph the tapestries of winter vegetables she planted at Lynmar Winery I could hardly [...]